Just when I thought the series reached rock bottom
At first, although I do not like the series and am not a huge fan, I tried to look at this from a neutral point of view, in fact, I found it to have some potential at first, with at first I refer specially to the first scene. I did not play whatever game this movie is paroding and neither I will bother to research and see what the hell it's about, but the first scene made me laugh and I think it was great, still, after that, the movie's quality went WAY down.
First, the animation was actually really good, but it had some serious faults, one of them specially being the shading scheme, it really disapointed me. Actually, all of the coloring was a bit of an eyesore. When coloring your characters, I'd recommend you to use a lot more the color pallet and choose a slightly darker color instead of something that makes so much contrast. This was really noticeable with the skin of the first guys, since you chose a really saturated color to color it and instead of using a variation from the color window, it looked like you used a darker color from the presetted ones, which annoyed me as soon as I saw it.
After the first scene, it got worse. Really worse. The animation went downhill, specially when animating the fire covering this so called "agent". That looked awful in all the sense of the word, it was literally just a two frame movieclip looping, it could help you if you try to use more frames and animate it trying to think of each flame individually engulling each other.
The voice acting got boring already and it sounded improvised, you should probably listen to the recording and think of the quality of the audio, which can be a huge condicionant of the movie. The rest was actually good and the effort was visible in all the frame by frame, specially the coffee part in which everything got slo-mo, that part looked smooth and nice.
Overall, I don't think it's a good movie, but it isn't totally bad either, it just looks like it had a shortage of time.