An amusing combination of styles.
I must say, the way you messed around with the color scheme for this animation is something that, in my opinion, is a big achievement, aestethically looking at it, it was a new and refreshing style, and at the first second I started watching this, I knew it'd be good, and didn't dissapoint at all. Actually, I expected the style to be lost a lot across the animation, considering how hard the character placing would be, and I was luckly wrong. The style kept on and on for the whole movie, having the exact same constitution from begining to end.
What I am not certain of is how some parts that are relatively easy to do in frame by frame with some effort, were made with tweens, for example, the dinosaur's eyebrow should've also had some sort of weight over the skin below of it, I'd recommend that when making expression shifts, it's better to look at the mirror and later do it frame by frame, since when frowning, it should also change how the upper third of the face. There were quite some riduculously tiny flaws like this one, but they aren't really meningful, but when played together, it does catch the eye and looks really good. Congratulations, this animation was incredible, you should probably keep experimenting with the colors, it puts to display how artistically talented you are.