It's been a little more than three years since I joined this site; a really long time if you place it on a relative to my time of existence (Fifteen Earth cycles), and even more impressive if you compare it to the time to my expiration date, and I'm honestly baffled. The things I learnt and how I improved as both a person and an artist are baffling. Just going back to my first BBS posts, or the first digital piece I made takes me back to a very very different time, and it's incredible what a huge relevance this site has had in my life. It really seems like I as an individual and Newgrounds as a site have both been growing at such a steady pace, zig-zagging and crossing each other along the way every once in a while. It's really mind twister for me to think exactly where would I be and what would my reasonings be hadn't I joined Newgrounds a nice Winter of 2007. Ever since I signed up, I met a lot of great and interesting people who, in one way or another, made the constant line that defines my life take a (sometimes not so) slightly different path. Back in those says, my life was better defined as shallow and frivolous; and as much as I know that my current position will seem meaningless to me in about twenty years, I can tell for sure that I will still know that wherever I am, be it a cardboard box or a chateau in Britain, drinking Martinis, I will, to some degree, owe it to this site and it's community.
"A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you."
--C.S. Lewis
As true as that is, I was just browsing my old art submissions and I had a retrospective I wanted to share