tee hee
I am the son and heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar.
Age 29, Male
Mr. Duck Kindergar10
N. Korea
Joined on 11/13/08
tee hee
hee tee
what wasim said
Everyone do the Wasim
true, but diglett is nowhere near being the most underrated pokemon. Just because those who play the Gold and Yellow version (or any other version where you start with pikachu or obtain him before rock level) find themselves challenged by Diglett's resistance to lightning doesn't make him particularly good. Anyone who takes good care if his pokelist knows that Diglett deals very little damage if you know what you're doing, and you can take him out with brute force. Sure, the fights take a little longer, and due to his high endurance you might feel that he is a stronger pokemon than he is given credit for, but at the end of the day he's just your average random wild-pokemon battle. If you don't have enough diversity among your pokemons to overcome pokemans who have high resistances, you shouldn't even be playing the game.
Dude, seriously.
that guy who stole VVVVVV is a fucking retard who doesn't understand shit
I've never seen you curse so much, still, that guy is a huge douche. I just tried to explain him how much of an ass he was making of himself, and now I'm banned. HOT SHIT.
You've never seen me say fuck before?
You generally seem like in a good mood, but yeah, that guy is a retard...
hey chica, en la argentina usted ablas espanhol? you soy uno saltamontes mucho caliente!
sip, en argentina hablamos espaƱol, pero no soy una chica, jaja